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Rototic 3D perception

Build a 3D perception pipeline using multiple filtering and segmentation techniques that recognize objects in RGB-D images.

Behavior Cloning

Train a convolutional neural net to drive a car in the simulator.

Lane Finding

Built a pipeline using distortion correction, image rectification, color transformation and gradient thresholding to identify lane lines and their curvature.

Vihicle Detection and Tracking

Detect and track vehicles using color and gradient feature and a support vector machine classifier.

Model Predictive Control

Model Predictive Control to drive the car around the track even with additional latency between commands.

Particle Filter for Vehicle Localization

Implemented a particle filter that estimates the car’s position in the simulator based on LIDAR measurements and 2D landmark map when a rough GPS location is given.

Extended Kalman Filter for Vehicle Tracking

Built an extended kalman filter to estimate the state of car in a 2D Simulator with noisy lidar and radar measurements. 

Robotic Arm Pick & Place

Control a KUKA KR210 Arm with six degrees of freedom to perform pick and place actions using inverse kinematics.

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Autonomous Driving & Robotics

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